Phoenix, AZ USA
Proudly Serving
Neon Industry
Since 1986

Neon Testing Equipment

AA Neon Tube Tester
Save's "time & money" on the work site by quickly test tubes.
When the antenna is touched to the tubing wall or electrode wires, the tester will cause the viable tubing to illuminate in a pulsating manor. This pulsing feature is fantastic for testing neon in bright sunlight as it is easier to see the light when flashing.
Neon Tubes
Argon Tubes
Cold Cathode Tubes
Fluorescent Bulbs
Mercury Lamps
Metal Halide Bulbs
Sodium Vapor Lamps
Neon & Argon Tubes

Safe and easy to use.
Hand-Held Portable goes to jobsite.
Requires four AA batteries - not incl.
7" Length when antenna is closed.
Telescoping antenna extends 9"
One Year Limited Warranty.
No Returns - All Sales Final.
$49.95 ea.
10+ $39.95 ea.
Case (50 Qty) $34.95 ea.
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AA Neon Tube Tester
Belt Clip Velcro Case
$3.50 ea.
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Model: AA-CASE


Phosphorus Coating
Color Checker
Check and verify the color of phosphoresce coating on raw sticks of neon tubing.
Hold up to the end of phosphorus coated tubes and turn on, will show color.
Built-in safety features.
Hand held and portable.
Small and compact. Folds for easy storage.
Power tester from four AAA batteries - not Included.
Power tester with included Macro USB cord - not for charging batteries.
One Year Limited Warranty.
No Returns - All Sales Final.

$49.95 ea.
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Power up with included Macro USB Cord.
Power up with 4 AAA Batteries (not incl.).

Model #BD-10AS

High-Frequency Test Coil
This industrial "High Frequency Test Coil" is most commonly used by the neon industry for detecting leaks in a pumping system; the spark generated by the coil via the solid tip, will enter the tube through the leak and become bright white at the point at which it enters.
Industrial Quality.
ETP Inc. model #BD-10AS.
User adjustable knob varies output of the high voltage coil.
Spring-loaded on/off switch automatically turns the unit off when the switch is released.
Generous 8 foot grounded power cord.
Made in the USA.
One Year Limited Warranty.
No Returns - All Sales Final.
$329.95 ea.
Call to Order!
Additional Technical Information
Output: Between 20,000 to 45,000 vts, at a frequency of approx. 500 kHz.
Current output of the spark is about 1 mA.
This model is a variation of the tesla coil. It has a primary coil which produces an output voltage of about 1200 V at the input line frequency, 50 or 60 Hz. This output voltage is interrupted by a vibrating contact, energized by this coil at twice the line frequency. The output voltage of this primary coil is connected to capacitors, which are then discharged into a high voltage coil.
The capacitance, resistance and inductance of this circuit is designed to oscillate, or ring, at a very high frequency, in this case 500 kHz. The output of this high voltage coil is adjustable by varying the distance of the vibrating contacts, which is user adjustable, by means of a knob on the end of the unit.
Applications include pinhole leak detection, as in linings of tanks and other similar metal objects, and in plastic welds, where a test metal backing is applied. Other applications include ionizing a gas inside a lamp, neon sign, double-pane insulated windows, pharmaceutical vial, or similar glass vessel where a deep vacuum is contained.
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